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World Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2020

Posted on 13th May 2020

Yesterday was world fibromyalgia awareness day. Many people have this condition including Lady Gaga. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of widespread pain and profound fatigue. The pain tends to be felt as diffuse aching or burning, often described as head to toe. It may be worse at some times than at others. It may also change location, usually becoming more severe in parts of the body that are used most.

People with fibromyalgia can have good days and bad days. On a good day it is important to pace yourself; overdoing it may simply make matters worse. Rest is also important. Listen to your body when it tells you to slow down.

If you have this debilitating condition and this is causing you to need more support we may be able to help you to access this.

Advocacy Matters Physical Disabilities Project can support you with a one to one advocate to make sure to are listened to and your needs and wishes are acted on. You may be having problems with adaptations, treatment or diagnosis? Contact us and make a referral follow the link below: