We want you to know that every penny really does matter. Raising funds from the community is immensely rewarding and enjoyable because there are endless possibilities as to what you can do.
Whether you are a seasoned fundraiser or completely new, we will give you all the training and support you need to be successful. There are opportunities for those who prefer to organise activities on their own, in pairs as well as those who like doing things in small groups. Here are some ways to get involved:
Up to 4 hours a month
Your coffee morning, afternoon tea or evening wind-down with cake or biscuits could raise £240 a year. Aim to make £20 on each occasion by inviting friends, neighbours or family for a friendly chat and refreshments. This amount could double if you included a small raffle or bring and buy such as books, plants, games or set up a quiz.
Other ways to help us is by collecting items from donors for our eBay shop. If you love arts and crafts; there is a massive choice as to what you can make for us to sell such as bags, Christmas decorations, cushions, toys, mascots, candles, socks, gloves, hats, beading, in fact anything you enjoy making.
Up to 4 hours a week
With this amount of time to spare you could help us to organise events and support community fundraisers who are taking part in challenges and sponsored pursuits. The type of things you will be doing are researching suitable venues, selling tickets, promoting the day, making bunting and games, designing flyers and asking for prizes.
You could also run a hobbies group and share your crafting skills so that what is made can be sold at events. Help us with appeals for specific projects, organise small singular or regular events such as fashion shows, dances, tournaments, talks, quizzes, open gardens, talent contest or anything you have done before or would like to try.
Fundraising on your own?
We know that many of you like to surprise us with a donation after you have organised your own event. We are amazed by your ideas and immense effort not to mention courage to raise funds for Advocacy Matters. Sponsored events are always incredibly popular so please go to resources to download for more information.
As with all our fundraising, there are regulations we have to follow, but not enough to spoil the fun. If you need any advice before you start, please let us know. This is especially if you are thinking of setting a challenge, looking for a training partner or to maximise upon people who will support you.
Looking for inspiration?
There is no limit as to what you might do, but talk to us first because we might be in need of specific items you could make, someone to make up a team in a pub games challenge, quiz or to help at a concert or show.
We have created an A to Z of fundraising ideas but please get in touch if you have an idea of your own.
See our resources where you can download guidance on how to organise events and manage sponsorship as well as providing sample letters and forms to assist your fundraising. Please contact us if you would like to discuss an idea; or anything in this section, we are here to help.