2021 Theme: Volunteer now for our common future
The United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) coordinates International Volunteer Day on 5 December every year to recognize and promote the tireless work, not just of UN Volunteers, but of volunteers across the globe. Every day, volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensure the inclusion of those often left behind, drive climate action and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Advocacy Matters volunteers are dedicated to ensure the inclusion of individuals often left behind in this country. Whether you’re an individual wanting to volunteer your time as a one to one advocate, or a company interested in corporate sponsorship, we want to work with you.
If you would like to support disabled and marginalised people to have a voice, empower them and uphold their rights why not start by volunteering with Advocacy Matters. Visit our Volunteering Page or contact Joyce Wallace on 0121 321 2377