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Children’s Mental Health Week 1-7th February 2021

Posted on 2nd February 2021

Express yourself

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week all this week.

This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’ and is focused on getting children and adults to find creative ways to share your thoughts, feelings and emotions through activities like music, art, dance or photography.

Many children and young people have likely experienced loneliness during lockdown and in particular, been affected by lack of physical contact with their friends, families and peers, and the boredom and frustration associated with a loss of all the activities they have been used to taking part in.

Boredom, isolation, uncertainty and lack of control continue to be factors for many young people during lockdown, particularly disadvantaged young people.  Remote schooling (in particular), an overload of screen time and limited access to outdoor play have also been cited as taking their toll on the wellbeing of children.

So it is time to dust off the paints and pencils and get out your phones and take some pictures. To see more about what is happening and how to get creative visit Place2B’s